Thursday, March 19, 2009

Natalie's First tooth!

Natalie has been pretty fussy in the evenings (fussy for her is just whiney). This is very out of character. She has also been waking once or twice a night.

Low and behold she got her first tooth! It's just BARELY reached the surface...this is the WORST part...where it officially breaks through the skin. She has been gnawing on EVERYTHING! But, I see the little white tooth right there!! It is her bottom left tooth. I will try to take pics when it really starts sticking out!

She is 4.5 mos. Cole was 3.5 mos. I thought she might be toothless for a while longer, but I guess not!


Mary Ann said...

She's growing up so fast!! She is perfect! I love you Natalie.

Amber said...

HaHa, And Tay still has NO's so funny how every child grows SO differently!