Thursday, June 25, 2009

Natalie News

Nat has been crawling for about a week now! It started off wobbly but now is full swing crawling. She is very fast and efficient! She spends her days chasing after Cole or "running" away from him.

She now has 5 teeth! 2 bottoms, 2 tops and one on the top next to a middle one. She is happy as can be and is FINALLY (knock on wood) sleeping all night again! This is great so I can have the energy to work out!

Her hair is getting thick all over and she can really wear her hair in pigtails or a cute bow!!! I love her chubby/yummy little legs!!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

6month check up

Weight: 16 lbs 4 oz (50%)
Height: 27 inches (90%) (at a dr. appt a few weeks ago she was 27.25?)
Head: 16 3/4 inces (50%)

Supposedly I should be giving her only 12-18oz of formula/breastmilk per day and 4 meals of solids. This seems VERY low to me. If you have any input...let me know!!

Natalie is waking up at least once or twice per night. It's hard to solve the problem because she sleeps right next to me in her crib. Only 3 more weeks until we can have separate rooms...i'm sooo ready!

She got 3 shots yesterday and this was MY FIRST time to EVER hold one of my kids while they got a shot. I almost threw up & cried. She was a trooper though!!

She is ALMOST crawling. She has gotten up on her hands & knees quite a bit & moves everywhere on her tummy & rolling.

She is a HAPPY baby who LOVES HER BROTHER! He makes her laugh all the time (especially when he's crying ;)).

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Natalie's First tooth!

Natalie has been pretty fussy in the evenings (fussy for her is just whiney). This is very out of character. She has also been waking once or twice a night.

Low and behold she got her first tooth! It's just BARELY reached the surface...this is the WORST part...where it officially breaks through the skin. She has been gnawing on EVERYTHING! But, I see the little white tooth right there!! It is her bottom left tooth. I will try to take pics when it really starts sticking out!

She is 4.5 mos. Cole was 3.5 mos. I thought she might be toothless for a while longer, but I guess not!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

4 Months!!!

Natalie had her 4month appointment. She did so well!! She did have 3 shots that made her miserable though :(

Height: 26.5 inches
Weight: 14 pounds 11ounces
Head: forgot??

She is a VERY long the charts on height! She is just starting to laugh out loud a lot and squeal. She loves her brother more than ANYTHING! She's a little beauty!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009


We figured it was time to try the bumbo...she loves it!!! It was Cole's...hence the blue color!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Random Natalie-ness little baby girl is growing!!! I haven't posted in a while so I thought I'd let you know a few things about her!

She loves her thumbs! Doesn' really matter which one, but she sucks them all the time for comfort!

She is growing FAST! She's going through a growth spurt! She has three 5-6oz bottles at daycare & sometimes wakes up at night to eat (most nights she's still sleeping through)

Her hair is getting long & crazy! IT definitely has a curly wave to it!

She loves to talk. It's not a "girly" voice yet though...just "ooooohhhhhh". Every now and then she squeals.

She laughs! ONLY when I tickle her on her neck...and then only right at first. Cole laughed with Justin first...Natalie with me!

She holds her head up VERY well & can sit in a bumbo!

she loves her brother more than ANYTHING! She could watch him all day long!

Brother tends to get frustrated when Natalie is eating & throws things at a choo choo train. NOT FUN!!

She is adorable as can be in her Target & Walmart clothes! I can't see forking over more than $3 on pants when she'll outgrow them in 4weeks! Plus...we want to teach her that you can't judge a book by its cover! hehe...she'll love having a leadership teacher/mom one day...won't she?

I'll try & post pictures soon...but just know she's amazing!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Little Girl!!!

Now no one will mistake her for a boy!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

2 month well check

Natalie Ann is 2 months!!! (actually she's 9 weeks :))

Weight: 11 lbs 13 oz (75%)
Length: 24.5 inches (over 95%)
Head: ???? (50%)

Nat is a lOOOOOOng & lean girl. Taking after big brother! I'm concerned about her weight gain because it's only 1 lb 2oz more than her 1 month....but they say that's fine. Lord knows I'm pumping more than enough for her to eat at daycare!! hehe... She got shots and hated them. We forgot the tylenol because Cole never really needed it. She cried and then slept and then cried and cried and cried. She finally had to cry herself to sleep in the carseat because she refused to eat & we were stuck in the car. She still slept all night though! We are so blessed that she sleeps through the night! She has done this since the week before Christmas! (knock on wood!)